Library Management System is an application which refers to library systems which are Overall this project of ours is being developed to help the students as well as staff of library to maintain the library in the best way possible and also reduce the human efforts. It has also a facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books issued and its issue date and return date. It also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system. This project has many features which are generally not availiable in normal library management systems like facility of user login and a facility of admin login. REFERENCES ABSTRACT Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library.

SYSTEM TESTING 5 UNIT TESTING 5 INTEGRATION TESTING 6. SYSTEM DESIGN 3 TABLE DESIGN 3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM’S 4. SYSTEM ANALYSIS 2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION 2 EXISTING VS PROPOSED 2 SOFTWARE TOOL USED 3. INTRODUCTION 1 PROJECT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1 BACKGROUND OF PROJECT 1 OPERATION ENVIRONMENT 2. Of semester You r degree in the year 2017 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Your Degree of Your College Nameĭivision TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1. Project Report On ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Submitted By: M R S Swaroop In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of MSC Computers In University of east London Your College Name CERTIFICATEĬertified that this is a bonafide record of the project work titled ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

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